Everyday Greatness


Taking The Reins
The more we accept responsibility for who we are and who can become, the greater will be our progress and contribution.

I don’t believe for a minute that everything that happens to you is your doing or your fault. But I do believe the ultimate quality of your life anda your happiness is determined by your courageous and ethical choices and your overall attitude. You may get shipped some bad bricks and weak steel, but you are still the general contractor

The tragic truth is that the language of’’victimization’’ is the true victimizer-a great crippler of young minds and spirits. To teach young people that their lives are governed-not by their own actions, but by socioeconomic forces or government budgets or other mysterious and fiendish forces beyond their control-is to teach our children negativism, resignation, passivity, and despair.

I call the New Obscenity. Its not a four-letter word, but an oft-repeated statement that strikes at the very core of our humanity. The four words are: ‘’I can’t help my self.’’
This philosophy sees man as an organism being acted upon by biological and social forces, rather than as an agent with a free will. It views offenders not as sinful or criminal but as ‘’sick.’’ By ignoring the idea that people faca temptation that can-and should-be resisted, it denies the very quality that separates us from the animals.

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